Inbound Dreams - Games and Media.
Hi and welcome to Inbound Dreams, I am a new Game and Media creator, I create and provide content for the community, if you wish to be kept up to date, or just want to join our community to chat, feel free to pop by our Discord server bellow.

Inbound Dreams

You are more than welcome to make donations at any time, if you wish to give thanks for anything I do, or alternatively you can following my work and get engaged is showing your support!

Big thank you,


My Virtual 3D

MMO, where you get to run your own world servers.

myvirtual3d club

ID Command v1.3

Voice command software for Windows, this program can be setup to execute program by using voice recognition it also can be used to send keystokes to applications like games, requires Administrator privileges and .NET 4x.


ID Command


ID Twitch Bot V1.0.5 3-Oct-2023

A basic bot for twitch that dose TTS via redeems, a nickname service so that people can set the tts to speak there name, word replace to repace words in chat and usernames, and a redeem sound events option so you can allow people to play sounds when your streaming.

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